Artist in Residence Canoe Expeditions

Collaborate with nature guided by an artist as we journey down the Murray River

A 5 day paddling journey designed for those who need a little help in slowing down. Is the high pace of modern life and have the expectations our dominant culture places on productivity, got you running from one task to the next but you are still heading to bed feeling like your to-do list got longer rather than shorter? Is your nervous system constantly on high alert, switching from flight to fight and never getting a chance to rest and rejuvenate?

A chance to give your system a chance to live differently, to drop into flow with the natural rhythms of the sun and your soul. To slow down, let the dust settle and immerse in an old way of living simply, making communal meals from scratch and travelling downstream at a leisurely pace.

Included in the package
  • Artist in Residence
  • Transport to the Murray and return
  • Food and Glamping Gear.
  • Guide.
  • Back up support.
  • Art supplies.
  • 5 day Adenture

The whole of life is coming to terms with yourself and the natural world. Why are you here? How do you fit in? What is it all about?

David Attenborough

Up the Creek journeys can lead to:

  • Engaging with nature as a collaborator
  • Thriving and finding joy working with forces beyond our direct control
  • Reduced risk in the present - inoculate against risky behaviour in the future
  • Transformed capacity to learn for improved productivity
  • Creating lifelong connections to self, nature and others
  • Overcoming blockages to learning
  • Building authentic self-directed learning