Give Back Program

Noone will protect what they don't care about, no one will care about what they have never experienced

David Attenbrough

Change the future, invest in the minds of our youth. Often those most in need or who deserve the most miss out because they don’t have the resources.

At Up The Creek, we believe in encouraging equality and equity, meaning we have a ‘Give Back Program’ for individuals and organisations. We can help you give back to those in need towards creating a strong, healthy and equitable society.

With your ‘Giving Back’, Up The Creek will work with local schools to support disadvantaged students to connect with themselves, each other and the environment through one of our offerings. Make a significant investment in the future by changing the life of somebody you might never meet.

Click below to choose an appropriate Gift from a 1 hour hire for an individual to a week-long group program.


Give Back

Join us, come collaborate with nature!