We would like to acknowledge the land the Wurundjeri people who are the traditional custodians of the land we stand on and paddle through. I pay my respects to elders past present and emerging and extend that respect to other indigenous Australians.
Womenjeka is the traditional welcome of the Kulin nation. As I understand womenjeeka is the opposite of my English welcome, it is the visitor who offers womenjeka to come with intent for the other, for us, for our environment and for the spirituality. At first awareness of wominjeeka, I was curious as to might serve us all in 2022, as we contemplate adapting to the anthroposcene and wicked problems like climate change.
So for you, Be safe on the water. It only takes 5 centimetres of water to drown. Be alert not alarmed. Together we can take steps to reduce the risk.
To fit, follow these steps:
On the water
Consider the voice of the yarra through your experience. What rights does the Yarra river Have? How can you work to support the rights of the river as you paddle up the creek?
Stay with your canoe, It’s easier to see and will help you get out.
Relax, it will make everything easier. You have a life jacket on so lay back and consider your options.
Covid-19 procedures and expectations:
Vic Gov QR code registration required
All customers must have received at least one dose of vaccine
Socially distanced check-in and briefing
Boats sanitised with alcohol-based cleaner before use
Hand sanitiser and surface wipes are available for customers
If you or anyone in your group has any symptoms, please stay at home and contact us as early as possible to arrange rescheduling at a later date.
Key considerations of the environment in which the activity takes place:
The Victorian Department of Education categorises Victorian waters based on definitions by Maritime Safety Victoria. Up the creek operate primarily on Inland waters - rivers, lakes and waterways that do not open to the sea (aside from port waters).
Water environments encountered canoeing are subject to a wide range of environmental conditions, which are considered when planning and conducting canoeing activities.
Canoeing activities may be affected by conditions such as:
A specific assessment of suitability of the location is made prior to each trip. Location selection is based on first hand knowledge of supervising staff. Where this is impractical, planning and supervising staff will be thoroughly familiar with the general characteristics and conditions found in similar locations, and have consulted with people who can supply recent and first-hand knowledge of the locations being considered.
When assessing the suitability of a location, consideration is made of:
Contact with relevant authorities will be made in order to access up-to-date management information and to determine any access and permit requirements. This may include: Parks Victoria, Emergency Services, relevant government departments.
The weather forecast for the activity location is monitored in the days leading up to the program and on the day the program commences. If the program extends overnight, the weather is monitored and assessed throughout the program and based on that information (daily weather forecasts and Warnings) staff are prepared to cancel, modify or relocate the activity at any time.
Weather information is accessed directly from the Bureau of Meteorology website: particularly marine forecasts and MetEye.
Weather warning telephone services are also accessible by mobile phone while on program (call costs apply from mobiles):
Coastal, Land Weather and Flood Warnings: 1300 659 217
Full State Telephone Weather Service: 1900 955 363
Coastal Waters Telephone Service: 1900 969 930
Up The Creek's communication strategy enables instructors to receive weather forecasts and warnings, communicate with the school, and engage support, in the unlikely event of an mis adventure.
Communication equipment is chosen based on current communication technology.
A communication strategy is in operation for the group during the program and to enable communication with outside parties including the school and emergency services.
Instructors are aware of the limitations of the communication strategy (ie. level of mobile phone coverage, VHF radio and satellite phone coverage in an activity location).
The transportation of groups to and from activity locations must be carefully considered. Bus transport to and from activities is usually the responsibility of the school, but can be included as part of a multi-day package.
Vehicles used to transport students comply with VicRoads registration requirements:
Drivers of vehicles with 13 or more seats (including the driver) have a current license appropriate for the vehicle and will:
In circumstances where a staff member drives a vehicle transporting students, the program allows for adequate rest prior and breaks consistent with the national driving hour regulations.